Новий резервуар для палива 3Kare Storage Systems; Bitumen, PMB, Emulsion and Fuel Storage Tanks /

новий резервуар для палива 3Kare Storage Systems; Bitumen, PMB, Emulsion and Fuel Storage Tanks /
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Марка: 3Kare
Модель: Storage Systems; Bitumen, PMB, Emulsion and Fuel Storage Tanks /
Місце розташування: Туреччина8719 км від вас
Дата розміщення: понад 1 місяць
Autoline ID: KL24562
Стан: новий
Додаткова інформація
Колір: чорний
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Додаткова інформація — Новий резервуар для палива 3Kare Storage Systems; Bitumen, PMB, Emulsion and Fuel Storage Tanks /

** Diversification of plants at different capacities in the range of 400-800t/h, in order to respond to different needs of road, railway and airport projects.
** Fully controlled production of mechanical stabilization, cement stabilization and cold asphalt mixes in excellent quality.
** Specially designed twin shaft mixer for perfect mixing quality.
** Cold mix plants have been designed for various production of homogeneous cold/wet mixes with aggregate, water, cement, reclaimed asphalt and bitumen emulsion.
** Thanks to standard production of its mixer, its arms, paddles, body parts with bolted anti-wear components and wear parts are very ease to replace.
** Dosing belt flow sensors stop the system automatically when aggregate feeding is interrupted.
** Capacity of dosing belts, ratio of cement, bitumen emulsion and foam bitumen in the mix can be adjusted from control cabin via frequency converter.
Tanks, in which bitumen, PMB, emulsion, fuel oil, diesel and other similar materials are stored, can be produced at desired capacities in compliance with your project needs. These tanks are flexible, high quality and long lasting in terms of heating coils,insulation and similar properties.

- Features:
**Stocking systems prepared in line with the customer’s request.
**Horizontal-vertical, electric or thermal oil heated design.
**Standard tank capacity: Horizontal; 100/50/38m³ Vertical; 80/60/50m³

-Tank, Piping and Insulation Systems:
** Horizontal or vertical, electrically or thermal oil heated designs and production according to your needs.
**Pressure and leakage tests are applied to each tank produced and the required quality documentation is issued.
**Thermal oil heated tanks’ heating coils are manufactured from high quality seamless steel.
**Optional; thermostatic control system.
**Optional; the weighing system with loadcell allows precise weighing of materials in the tank.

-Bitum Pool:
**Project based bitumen pools which can cover long term bitumen storage needs more than 1000 tons.
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Ціна за запитом
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Зв'язатися з продавцем
500 € ≈ 21 650 грн
Нідерланди, Steenwijk
Зв'язатися з продавцем
10 000 $ ≈ 9 572 € ≈ 414 500 грн
Арабські Емірати, Дейра, Дубаи, ОАЭ
Зв'язатися з продавцем
8 371 € 6 950 GBP ≈ 362 500 грн
Велика Британія, Hampshire
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